Friday, September 10, 2021

Weekly Update

Even though it was a short week, we accomplished so much!

- we took both the reading and math MAP tests on the iPads in our classroom. The children worked so hard on this test! They took their time, they used scratch paper to solve math problems, they raised their hands if they needed help, and they worked patiently and independently while their classmates finished their test if they happened to finish earlier. I am SO PROUD of these kids! :)

- we finished Chapter 1 in math, and we took our Chapter practice test

- a bunch of us enjoyed a sing-a-long with Mr. Deptula before school Friday morning, in honor of 9/11

- we updated our Friday Journals! Parents, remember to take a look and respond if you can. (The children are LOVING the messages, drawings, and even little comic strips you are including in your responses! Thank you for participating in this with us!! :)

- we drew sketches of the space around us as inspiration for our writing. The children enjoyed sitting in the courtyard and drawing little pictures of ideas they'd like to write about based on what they observed around them!

- our book order was sent to Scholastic Thursday. Many friends in our class ordered cool new books to read! We can't wait for them to arrive! :)

- remember to continue reading and math practice each day! Keep updating those homework calendars! 

Upcoming events:

9/12 - PTA Dryden Spirit Wear Sale Ends

9/13 - Fund the ‘Phin PTA fundraiser begins

9/13 - Lockdown practice drill

9/15 - PTA Running Club, 8:10 AM, Dryden Field

9/16 - No School

9/30 - PTA Picture Day

9/30 - Last Day for 10% Discount on PTA Yearbook Purchase

Below are some photos I was able to capture this week...

Have a great dolphin weekend!


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