Thursday, October 4, 2018

Moving right along!

It's hard to believe that October is already here! This week, in particular, seemed to just fly right by!

Below, you will find some pictures of:
Reading! The students learned strategies to tackle new words. We practiced reading poetry to identify the "big idea."  We also read nonfiction, noticing key nonfiction text features such as bold print, subheadings, photographs, and captions which give us more information and deeper understanding.  

We finished up our "Launch" unit and jumped right into fiction! The children learned about 3 types of fiction: Traditional (a story passed on from generation to generation and is well known), realistic (this story could happen in real life, only it is a story with fictional characters), and fantasy (impossible things happen in these stories including magical powers, talking animals, etc.). We are working to determine which type of book we are reading now that we understand the difference between these 3 types!

The children completed their landform murals. They really look great! They are colorful and full of important details. The children included 11 landforms in their drawings including: hill, valley, lake, mountain, island, river, peninsula, plain, ocean, canyon, and plateau. It was interesting to watch how the children carefully sketched their drawings to make them accurate and detailed before coloring.

Last week in the LMC, the children researched an animal from Wishtree using PebbleGo. They could choose an owl, raccoon, skunk, or crow. The children used a graphic organizer to sort their notes. They recognized they could jot down pieces of information instead of full sentences using bullet points.

As part of our review before wrapping up our Map Skills and Landform practice, the children enjoyed playing Kahoot it! in the classroom! Using 1-1 devices, the children answered various questions about the topics we covered, scoring points based on accuracy and speed. They were so engaged and excited to "play!" :)

The children learned about children's author Megan McDonald this week as we look ahead to her visit to Dryden next Friday! 

Don't forget to send the children's library cards to school with them next Wednesday, the AHML book mobile will be here to visit the 2nd graders!

Have a terrific Columbus Day weekend, everyone! :)

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