Monday, September 17, 2018

A week in review in 2-2!

The children covered so much ground this week in 2nd grade!
* We practiced writing detailed reader's responses! We know to include favorite parts, feelings about the characters, connections to our lives, or a summary of events describing who, what, where, when, and why!

* We set a reading goal for ourselves! Many of our first reading goals were about behaviors that will help us become focused readers, including choosing good fit books, finding a quiet spot to read free of distractions, and to read carefully and purposefully!

* We practiced comparing 3 digit numbers using the words greater than and less than, as well as the symbols <, >. We also identified number patterns and continued them. We have reached the end of chapter 1, and we will be reviewing and taking the test on this chapter early next week.

* We learned the "Continent Song" and practiced locating these large bodies of land on the map

* We celebrated Michael Z's star student week with a Dr. Suess story about the human body, and a fun experiment that blended colors!

* We practiced making words in the ay, ug, ap, ip, and aw families! Even though these words share letters, they do not necessarily share sounds. The children enjoyed working with a partner to make as many words as they could that fit into these word families.

* We are almost finished with our autobiography rough drafts! We are now writing about our lives in the present day. Next we will be editing, publishing, and illustrating our work!

Coming up:
Thursday, September 20:  Picture Day!

Thanks for checking in!
Enjoy the weekend!

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