Monday, October 22, 2018

2-2 Update

Thank you for the wonderful, positive, and productive conversations we have had during our conference together last week! I walked away from each meeting with a stronger and more complete understanding of each of my students, and I hope you feel the same! It is obvious to me that we are both striving to help your child achieve as much as they possibly can this year. I'm looking forward to the upcoming months watching and guiding the children to learn and grow! 

 I've attached some recent photos from our days at school. You will find pictures of the children visiting the AHML bookmobile, our school assembly with author Megan McDonald, and the children "in action" practicing math skills, reading independently, and writing/editing their fairy tales. During reading over the last few school days, we practiced identifying key features of fiction: beginning with "long long ago" or "once upon a time,"  having a clear beginning, middle, and end including a problem and resolution, an element of magic or trickery, and of course a happy ending. We are working to include these elements (and more!) in our own fairy tales!  The children have also been working on visualizing the story using the author's colorful details and descriptions and identifying the main theme or moral of the story. They are also practicing retelling the stories the read with the key details in their reader's notebooks.

The children have been practicing 3 digit subtraction without regrouping during our recent math lessons. This week, the regrouping begins! I will be attaching a cute saying to each of the children's red home folders that reminds them when to regroup. I will also be sending home a copy of the word all we have been using at school that you are welcome to post near your child's homework spot that they can access to help with their spelling in their day-to-day writing.

Subtraction poem.png


Here are some links to helpful information:

Dates to remember:
Wednesday 10/24: Picture Retakes
Thursday 10/25:  4th Grade Musical
Friday 10/26:  Just Jump Fundraiser (lunch hour)

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