Saturday, September 8, 2018

2-2 Week in Review!

We had a BUSY week in 2nd grade!
* Students learned to "stop and jot," taking notes while reading nonfiction texts
*Students practiced discussion techniques, including sharing their own thoughts or opinions using statements such as "I believe," "I think," or "My opinion is..."  Students then initiated a discussion with their classmates by asking them "Do you agree?"  "What do you think about that?" I watched terrific conversations take place in our classroom as the children considered how to deal with a bully after reading King of the Playground!
*In math, the children worked to identify numbers using standard form (123), word form (one hundred twenty-three) and expanded form (100+20+3), keeping a close eye on each number's place value.
*Mrs. Rebsamen, our speech & language teacher, came in to talk to the children about what whole body listening is. Children were reminded to listen with their ears, keep their mouths still, hands and feet silent, body facing the speaker, and brains thinking! This was such a great reminder at the start of the school year!

Things to remember:
* Monday, Sept. 10:  Our LMC time will take place in our classroom with Mrs. Kovacic, due to the LMC being used for MAP testing.  The children will visit the library in small groups to check out new reading material at a different day and time, when the LMC is available.
* Tuesday, Sept. 11 is Patriot Day! This is a great day to wear red, white, and blue, and to meet Mr. Deptula at the flag pole before school at 8:45 to sing patriotic songs!
* Wednesday, Sept. 12:  September birthday books
* Thursday, Sept. 13:  District Parent Report Card Informational Meeting
* Thursday, Sept. 20:  Picture Day

* Please remind and encourage your child to get into the good habit of reading 15-20 minutes each night, as well as 5 (or more :) minutes of math practice on Xtramath and IXL. A little bit of consistent practice each day will make a big difference! Don't forget to keep track of those important minutes on the homework calendar inside your child's red home folder. These will be due back to school on Monday, October 1st.

* I am so happy that parents are reviewing the children's reflection logs at home! They are such a powerful communication tool between home and school, and I am so pleased to see that they are being utilized.  Please help your child remember to put their reflection log back inside their red folder each night, so it is ready for us at school the next day.  Thank you!

Fall feels just around the corner! Enjoy the weekend!

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