Friday, August 31, 2018

Heading into September

Somehow, we already have two weeks of school behind us! Our routines are starting to feel familiar to us and we are focusing our attention on our learning. This week:
*the children practiced the think, draw, label, write process that will form the foundation of our writing lessons this year. The children practiced including interesting details about small moments to make them seem much larger, colorful and interesting.
* we had our first all-school fire drill
* the children reviewed important skills during readers' workshop that focus on making meaning while reading including K-W-L charts, visualizing, summarizing, and using context clues to figure out the meaning of unknown words
* we started our word study lessons, beginning with consonant clusters
* we practiced counting by ones, tens, and hundreds during math
*we practiced writing numbers in words
* we defined and illustrated various landforms, noting similarities and differences between them
* we read up to chapter 13 in Wishtree.  The children and I are wondering why someone would carve a word into this beautiful tree?

Thank you to our parents for coming in on Curriculum Night and learning about all that is to come this year! Even if you were unable to attend, it is very obvious that the children are fortunate to have wonderful, strong support systems at home cheering them along.  Thank you! I will attach our slide show to the blog for you to view.

Here are some snaps from this week!

 The children wrote about their weekend. First, they sketched all of the things they could think of that they did over the weekend. Then, they labeled their drawings with key words. Finally, they chose one picture at a time, and wrote 3-4 sentences explaining it in further detail.

 We visited the LMC for the first time this week! The children enjoyed "tasting" new books that they will be able to check out throughout the year!

 The children practice making words that begin with consonant clusters such as grass, drive, problem, clap.

 We are practicing our place value, counting by ones, tens, and hundreds.

Coming up next week:
* no school on Monday due to the Labor Day holiday
* August homework calendars are due on Tuesday
*send in any book orders by Tuesday morning (we extended the date due to a few student requests! :)
* District assessments begin including F&P, reading fluency, and math

Have a terrific Labor Day weekend!

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