Friday, January 19, 2018

So much is new in 2-2!

The children have had so many varied learning experiences over the last few days! 
Below, you will see photos of:
*Students coding with Bee Bots
* Writing about fun in the snow
* Learning about the life of Martin Luther King, Jr.
* A school assembly with Tim Hannig
*Reviewing for our Chapter 4 math test
* Celebrating Izabela's star student week!
* Studying the /oo/ word family
*Sorting contractions
* Learning about erosion using Pebble Go in the LMC
* Carefully considering similarities and difference in various landforms
*Our published Martin Luther King Biographies!
* Celebrating another star student, Ben!

 After winter break, we were ecstatic to find a response from our friendly letters that we wrote before break! John received a letter from author Jan Brett, thanking him for his letter!
 The children enjoyed thinking about all the fun they have in the snow! They wrote about sledding, skating, and snowballs!

 These projects make me smile EVERY time I walk past them! They turned out great!

 We researched and took notes about Martin Luther King, Jr. in order to begin building our biographies. The children wrote down facts about his life, family, childhood, career, and life achievements. We pulled information from books, video clips, and a Brain Pop video.

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