Friday, December 1, 2017

The end of November!

Below are some photos of the 2nd graders hard at work leading up to our recent Thanksgiving break from school. You will find them practicing their sight words, sorting words based on patterns, subtracting with regrouping, reading and searching for temporal words, and researching one of our notable U.S. Presidents!

 During word study, the children enjoyed playing a sight word board game! What a fun way to practice recognizing these important words!

 The students are working hard to practice regrouping with subtraction using 3 digits! It has become more complex as we are now regrouping the ones, tens, AND the hundreds place!

 We worked hard to identify and sort words with the -ake, -ate, and -ame word families! Each word study lesson focuses our attention on the components of words- and improves our spelling!

 During a reading lesson, the children learned about time order or transitional words that are placed deliberately to move the story forward. The children then hunted for examples of these words during their independent reading!

 Presidential biographers! The class enjoyed researching one of our former U.S. Presidents! They read and learned about the early life of their president, important education experiences and career events, and then notable moments during their presidency. They drew their president and attached him to their report. Their work turned out great!

Our word study continues! The children were challenged to build words and then make them plural by adding 's' or 'es.'

 More regrouping during math! Practice, Practice, Practice! :)

We read and learned about our flag and the national anthem, "The Star-Spangled Banner." The children enjoyed making- and bedazzling- star spangled banners of their own to adorn our classroom!

 The children loved the special treat of bringing in a stuffed animal to celebrate an OUTSTANDING day at school!

 Indoor recess fun!

 Celebrating our last day with our dear friend ANDREW! We loved every single day that he was with us! We are going to miss having him in our class so much! We had a blast playing a game of Kahoot! that was all about Andrew!

 Good luck at Patton, Andrew! We'll miss you, and we hope you'll stay in touch!

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