Monday, December 11, 2017

Another busy, yet fun-filled week at school!

We had another busy, fun-filled week at school! Scroll below to see what our learning entailed!

 In the LMC, we explored the winter holidays of Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, and Christmas through the website PebbleGo. The children then worked to identify a few key words that were important to each holiday. They created a wordle (a word cloud) that highlighted these key holiday terms!

 Our word study lessons this week led us to review high frequency words, and contractions!

 During readers workshop, we carefully considered how a fiction text compares with a play script. We noticed they BOTH have characters, setting, and a beginning, middle, and end.  We noticed that the PLAY script has stage directions in parenthesis, and is ALL dialogue, so there are no quotation marks!

The children enjoyed reading additional leveled play scripts, adding expression to their voices, building fluency, and identifying those additional components that are present in a play script!

 We practiced using "bar models" to solve addition and subtraction problems! The children are learning that story problems are made up of a part and a total and we need to find the difference between them,  or two parts that require addition to find the total.

 The children enjoyed using unifix cubes to actually create the bar models as we get this thinking off of the ground!

 The children learned about the job of the governor this week. We learned that a group of Illinois citizens make up the legislature that support the governor in making decisions for our state. A few children gathered up at the board to get a better view of the notes we collected on the board together.

And then it was time for a nap. Just kidding! We started thinking and dreaming about all the traditions that we look forward to that are a part of our favorite winter holiday. The children used the notes they started at home to write all about it!

Thanks for taking a peek at our latest adventures in 2nd grade!

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