Friday, May 8, 2015

Thank you Volunteers!

 Thank you to all of the wonderful parent volunteers! We are so grateful for everything you do to ensure that the students learn all that they can here at school, and enjoy themselves along the way!
Here is a fuzzy shot of the parent volunteers being welcomed to their breakfast celebration! The children were so happy to line the hallways and wave and say a quick thank you!
Thank you for all of the wonderful cards, paper flowers, gift cards, posters, and pictures that I received this week for Teacher Appreciation Week! I especially loved the class gift (above) full of such sweet words that the children selected to describe me! It brought a huge smile to my face and will bring great memories for years to come. Thank you!

We wrapped up our Arlington Heights unit this week! The children worked so hard to learn about the early native people, the early settlers, the original founders, businesses long ago, local landmarks, and how our town has grown and changed over time. They have become AH experts! I'm so proud!

Our text talk story of the week was Chato's Kitchen. The words we worked to infuse into our expanding vocabularies include: vibrated, reassured, cowered, suppressed, dumbfounded, and dismayed. The children completed a review of 32 of our past text talk vocabulary words, and they did great! It is so much fun watching the children's wheels spin as they look for ways to use these new challenging words!

 It was Angelica's week to shine! We enjoyed our visit from Mrs. Brancato and Angelica's little brother Vince. Angelica showed us a great experiment about gravity, and how objects drop at the same rate regardless of weight and size. She read a cute story about a little girl who wrote a story- which fit in perfectly with our writing unit on personal narratives!
The caterpillars have moved into their new home! Most of our caterpillars are now in the form of a chrysalis, and soon they will be butterflies! We can't wait!

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