Tuesday, May 19, 2015

My Mathematical Super Stars

We are just zipping through the math curriculum this year! As the children and I approach the end of Unit 11, the children are working to strengthen their foundation in both multiplication and division! The are really enjoying solving story problems that involve combining sets of a given object, or dividing a set of objects into smaller equal groups. To take this skill one step FURTHER, the children are keeping a close eye out for any objects that are left over, or the REMAINDER! 

This is what our butterfly house looked like with all of our butterflies nestled safely inside their chrysalis.

Sure enough, our first butterfly emerged last Thursday! The rest were soon to follow! We borrowed some pineapple pieces for them to feast on after all of their hard work during the metamorphosis process!

It was Rahul's week to shine as our star student this week! We were excited to have his dad in for a visit last Friday afternoon!
Rahul and his dad got us thinking a lot about static electricity, especially in the air! They rubbed two balloons together, and then they held one near a volunteer's hair! Her hair was attracted to the balloon! We learned that this same type of static electricity is present in the clouds during a thunderstorm, and when it is great enough, we will hear or see lightning!
Rahul shared the story "The Emperor Penguin's New Clothes. The children were eager to discuss the story using the "Text Talk" words we have been practicing! They decided that the emperor penguin seemed pretty gullible to believe he was wearing an incredible new outfit, and he must have be mortified to find out otherwise!

Rahul is a super star for so many reasons! He works hard every day at school. He is respectful toward his classmates and his teacher. He is also very well traveled at such a young age!

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