Friday, May 29, 2015

A re-cap of some engaging school events!

 Mrs. Schneider popped in one afternoon to teach us a Junior Achievement lesson! She got us thinking about workers in the community and how important they are to everyone.

 We welcomed Adrian's mom to our classroom to celebrate the end of Adrian's Star Student week! Together they demonstrated how the pigment in a balloon seems to change as more air is added to the balloon. We noticed the balloon's color lighten as it stretched bigger and bigger! When Adrian let the air out of the balloon, the balloon was back to its original color!

 Adrian read us an adorable book about a colossal snowman who was bigger than any snowman we had EVER seen before! The town was afraid that when he melted, he would turn into a lake!

 How happy does our star student look in this picture?! We are so fortunate to have such a sweet, happy, and friendly boy in our class. Adrian is the kindest and most caring friend, and we are so lucky to know him!

 Mrs. Neumann dropped in for Junior Achievement lesson #2! This time, the children were challenged to think about unit vs. assembly production. One half of the class assembled paper donuts individually, one at a time. The other half of the class assembled paper donuts in an assembly format, each child completing a step.  Mrs. Neumann was the donut inspector and tallied up the results at the end of the lesson- which way do YOU think was more efficient?

 It was time to say goodbye to our beautiful butterflies! The children were excellent observers as our tiny caterpillars worked their way through their life cycle to adult form. They were especially interested to see the change in their bodies, and the new way they were eating- using a proboscis! We brought them into the courtyard one sunny afternoon and watched them flutter away. What a terrific learning experience for the children!

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