Saturday, March 21, 2015

The fun doesn't stop in 2nd grade!

The children continued working with measurement during math. They carefully considered which tool would make the most sense to use when measuring different objects or distances.  Tools the children had access to included a ruler, a tape measure, and a yard/meter stick. It didn't take long for them to discover that the straight, rigid tools are efficient for measuring linear objects or distances, while the curved or rounded objects are best measured with a tape measure which is flexible and can provide a more accurate measure. The tape measure can also ideal to measure longer distances.

 Kassie and James use the tape measure to measure each other's height.
 Filip and Noah use teamwork, and a tape measure, to determine the perimeter around Jack's head.

 Rahul lends a hand to Ola as she uses the tape measure to measure the distance around his head.

 It was St. Patrick's Day on Tuesday, and Mrs. Kloser captured a leprechaun at home! She brought him to school for us to see!
 He was trapped inside this brown paper bag.
 We were so excited to look inside!!
 The bag slowly opened....
 We were ready to capture him if he jumped! But there was nothing in the bag! He had escaped through a hole in the bottom!
 The kids scrambled around the room to see if they could find him. They made sure to close the door so he couldn't get too far!
 We noticed signs of that tricky leprechaun the rest of the day.
 Somehow he managed to move ALL of our desks and chairs!

 He even left us a message on the board- that leprechaun was not a very good writer!
 Mrs. Neumann came in for another Art Appreciation lesson on Wednesday afternoon. This time, she brought in artwork from French artist Paul Cezanne.
 We were excited to attempt our own impressionist artwork using chalk!
 There is a lot of artistic talent in our classroom this year! Wow!

It's hard to believe that spring break is already here! How did that happen?!  Enjoy your vacation, whether it is near or far!

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