Friday, March 6, 2015

One busy week!

Another full week for the 2nd graders in 2-2!
We made sure to create a fun project to celebrate the month of March! The children made lucky little pots of gold with colorful words that describe their personalities. They came up with such descriptive terms! These beautiful rainbows remind us that St. Patrick's Day- and SPRING!!  are somewhere around the corner!

The whole group story we shared this week was called "The Ugly Vegetables." It encouraged us to summarize the story by breaking it down into parts: First, Next, Then, and Last. 

In writing we finished up our persuasive letters to our parents, convincing them of a particular pet we think we should have and carefully explaining WHY. The children were very persuasive! Their work turned out great!

We have begun a 2nd persuasive writing piece. The topic for this one is a favorite place that we should visit. The children are being challenged to use as much description (adjectives) as possible to help the reader more clearly understand the point we are trying to make.

 During math we used fraction cards to determine equivalent fractions. The children thought about fractions that mean the same as 1/2, and then they wrote down fractions that were MORE than 1/2 and LESS than 1/2. We are starting to get the hang of this!

 Nikolas completed his Australian animal project early, so he presented his report about the saltwater crocodile this week. He did a terrific- and creative- job!

 It was James' week to be our super star student! James demonstrated how molecules are trapped inside a balloon, which has a stretchy surface, allowing it to bounce.
 Then, James read the class a story called "Buffalo Wings" by Aaron Reynolds. What a great reader he is! The pictures were especially entertaining in the book that James shared with his class today!

We were so happy to welcome Mrs. Moreth to the classroom to celebrate James with us this week. She helped James conduct his experiment, told us more about the pictures he brought to share with us, and told us about what a great big brother James is at home. We are so fortunate to have James in our class this year!

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