Monday, April 6, 2015

Australian Animal Experts!

As our in depth study of the country and continent of Australia came to a close, the children brought in some incredible projects that they completed at home about the countless unique animals that can be found there! It is remarkable to see the children (with the support of their families) take ownership of their learning and then share their findings with their classmates. Below are some photos of the children and their projects!

 Jack studied the beautiful rainbow lorikeet. He created a poster, and brought in a coloring page for his classmates to complete at home. Jack even had a rainbow lorikeet printed on the t-shirt he was wearing during his presentation!
 Lucy designed an informative poster detailing the life of the blue-tongued skink.
 Kassie learned and shared facts about the wombat. She created a model of this furry creature to show the class!
 Rahul studied the thorny devil. It was clear that Rahul learned so much about this prickly creature!
 Olivia learned so many interesting facts about the platypus that she shared in her report, on her poster, and by showing a model of a platypus that she made at home!
 James taught us all that he learned about the frilled lizard. He was very creative as he created the frilled lizard in his habitat- using coffee filters for the frills!
 This is NOT an Australian Animal project, but it is Carson helping the class to think about capacity during a lesson in math. The children were challenged to consider which container had greater capacity, the long narrow cylinder on the left, or the short wide cylinder on the left. Carson poured noodles into each one, and we were able to decide that one container DEFINITELY held more! Can you guess which one?
 Noah taught us so much about one of Australia's greatest predators- the dingo!
 Mark shared countless facts and photos in his powerpoint presentation about the freshwater crocodile.
 Carson was eager to share all he learned about a rather vicious animal- the Tasmanian Devil!

 Ola made a beautiful diorama demonstrating a kangaroo and its baby joey in its habitat.
 Matthew prepared an informative presentation about the monotreme, the echidna!
 Kelly taught us all about the enormous flightless bird, the emu!
 Angelica shared so many fascinating facts about the koala, including a model!
 Ben learned all about the sugar glider and filled a poster with his learning!
 Adrian taught us all about the crustacean, the yabby!
 Mia prepared a presentation full of facts about the numbat.
 Jaimie learned and shared facts about the laughing kookaburra!
Last but not least, Filip studied the lyrebird. What a sneaky bird! It can make itself sound like countless other living (and nonliving) things!

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