Sunday, December 9, 2012

Reading Update

Our whole-group story this week was called, “Head, Body, Legs.” It is a folktale from Liberia. In this story we found that the Head, Body, and Legs were not able to accomplish much without each the help of other. They eventually assembled themselves together, but out of order! When they finally figured out the best way to function as a whole, they were very successful! Through reading this story we were able to identify many examples of cause and effect. We also practiced determining the meaning of unknown words using our context clues. Our vocabulary words from this story as well as our guided reading texts were: attached, breathe, delicious, frantically, gasped, and swung. As we know, there is always a moral to the story in a folktale. When I asked the children what they could learn from this story, I was amazed! I heard, "Never give up." "Work together." "If things don't work one way, try another way." What insightful students I have! :)

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