Saturday, December 1, 2012

Landmark Challenge Projects

The kids absolutely AMAZED me with their landmark challenge projects this week! Do you know that EVERY SINGLE STUDENT in our class accepted this challenge and completed a project?! The kids brought in models of the landmark that they studied (of clay, styrofoam, legos, craft sticks, and more), they also made posters, books, shoebox dioramas, and even talking landmarks on the computer! I am so impressed with the hard work and deep learning that the children did at home with their families on these projects. After seeing all of these outstanding pieces of work come in this week, I quickly decided that we needed to show off this hard work even further than our classroom presentations. We set up our desks and projects in a "science fair" type of set up, and we invited a first grade class to come in to learn about our landmarks, too! Mrs. Glaser brought in her 1st graders and they moved from project to project listening to all of the exciting facts that our 2nd graders learned and shared with them. Mrs. Sessler came in to see all of their hard work too! She couldn't believe the work that 2nd graders had done! I couldn't be more proud of my class! Way to go, kids!! I am currently assembling my pictures so I can share them with you! Stay tuned!

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