Sunday, December 16, 2012

Math Update

We have begun learning about Geometry in math! We started off our unit by first learning about endpoints and line segments. The children practiced labeling endpoints with clear capital letters. They went on to create a line segment by connecting two points. They labeled each point, and then were able to label their line segment, too!
We went on to learn about polygons. We noticed that "poly" means "many" and "gon" means "sides." A polygon is a shape that: 1) has closed sides 2) the sides are all straight and 3) there are no curves. Some of the polygons we learned about are a triangle (3 sides), a quadrilateral (4 sides), a pentagon (5 sides) and an octagon (8 sides!) We noted the sides, angles, and vertices of each shape.
We learned about parallel lines. They are lines that will never ever ever ever ever cross. Some examples of lines are : in a square, a rectangle, on our notebook paper, and train tracks!
We also learned about right (or square) angles! We noticed that these angles are very simply in the shape of a square, and measure 90 degrees. The children used an index card to help them determine if a shape contained a right angle or not. They were quick to notice that the square and the rectangle both contain right angles!

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