Saturday, September 15, 2012

Reading Update

Our theme this week was “Making Friends.” We read a whole group story in our texts called “Mr. Putter and Tabby Pour the Tea.” The children analyzed the story structure and plot. They identified the beginning, middle, and end of the story. New vocabulary words we worked on include: company, delighted, enjoyed, share, thinning, and wonderful. The children noticed the inflected endings in delighted, enjoyed, and thinning. We noticed that words that end with ‘ed’ happened in the past tense, and words that end in ‘ing’ are happening right now! During our grammar lessons, the children practiced identifying commands and exclamatory sentences. The children took their first "Treasures" assessment as a class on Friday. This test is only about 12 questions, but it is spread across several pages. It does contain an extended response answer based on a passage the children are asked to read during the test. I think its important to practice this assessment once together so the children understand how it works, before I can really use it for assessment purposes. These assessments will come home on Monday. I have listened to each of the children read in order to determine their reading fluency rate of speed. I'm now in the process of assessing the children's comprehension to narrow in on the their individual guided reading levels. I'm anticipating that in the next few days we will have our guided reading groups fully formed and functioning!

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