Sunday, September 23, 2012

Math Update

The children took their Unit 1 assessment on Monday. We moved right into Unit 2. The children will be really focusing on learning their math facts during this unit. We've already covered our "Count up" strategy, as well as our "Make a 10," "Doubles" and "Doubles +1" facts. We are going to touch on our "+8," "+9" and our "turn around" facts in the next few days. The children's "mad minute" scores are starting to really take off! Hooray! During our math lessons this week, we reviewed the parts of a story problem- including: a unit box, number model, and a labeled answer. The children solved problems like these, and practiced creating their own, too! They have even started creating story problems for each other on their blogs! I'm so impressed to see them come up with such wonderful story problems to challenge their friends!!

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