Saturday, September 15, 2012

A Message from our Room Mom, Mrs. Strimling!

Hello fellow O'Sullivan Parents- I hope things are finally settling down for you - it's always crazy during the beginning of the school year. There are two items at hand for us to cover... 1. Our classroom gift for the Dryden Progressive Party (takes place on October 19th this year). In case you didn't attend last year, the Dryden Progressive Party is a fun evening and one of the most successful fundraisers sponsored by the PTA. Dryden parents are invited to a home for an hour and a half of food, drinks and great conversation. Our class is responsible for creating a gift to put up for raffle at the Progressive Party. I would like to create a gift that will be personalized at the hand of our children. It would be great if you could send $5 in an envelope to school with your child to be sent to me via backpack mail (attn: Jen Strimling). I will then compile our funds and get the gift going...if you are creative and would like to help, please let me know :-) 2. Our first field trip is scheduled for Friday, October 19 to the Police Department. We will be leaving Dryden at 10:00 AM and returning at 11:50 AM. It is a walking trip, so our volunteers have to be ready and willing to make the 30 minute trek with us each way. :) We go rain or shine... We can only have parents along with us that have signed the white volunteer waiver form that everyone received on curriculum night. If you would like to participate but haven't gotten the form in, please be sure to do so ASAP. We would need a minimum of 3 parents, but we can go up to five. Please email me if you would like to chaperone. Have a great weekend! Enjoy the weather :-) Jen Strimling (

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