Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Wednesday's Whereabouts by Danny

We had a rainy day at school today.  This morning we had a special visit from our teacher/actor, Ms. Gladu, from the Metropolis!  During our lesson today, we learned about emotions. She brought a jar full of brightly colored feathers. We attached an emotion to each one, and then showed with our body how that might look.  (example emotions: happy, sad, angry, and embarrassed.) We then talked about how exciting stories have conflicts and resolutions.  We thought about our interview of Mrs. Jojo, and we remembered the stories that she told us that we could talk about conflict/resolution! We quickly thought of 2. One was of Mrs. Jojo and her sister making mudballs (they got in trouble!) and the other was of Mrs. JoJo and her friend Diane swinging on the swings into outer space.  We had fun acting out these stories using our imaginations.  It was a fun lesson!

In art class today we had a sub, and had fun during "Doodle Day!" We had the chance to draw freely in a book.

In math we practiced adding money amounts using a decimal point with a calculator. We played Miss O'Sullivan in a game where we rolled the dice for pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, and dollars. We added up the total amounts and Miss O'Sullivan won. :(  We also practiced buying items at the store. We estimated their amounts and then we added the actual amounts too.  (William bought ketchup and bananas. We wondered what he was making!)

Have a nice evening!

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