Friday, April 6, 2012

A Fun Day at School! By Miss O'Sullivan

Our day on Thursday was full of fun moments. It started off with Mr. Robinson popping in to say happy birthday to Charlie. Not only did he say happy birthday, but he also jumped up on a chair to sing a short, sweet birthday song! We played a *super* lightning round of Spelling Sparkle. At the end of each word a classmate says "Sparkle!" In this game, not one- not two- but THREE students were sparkled out! It was a fun and quick way to review before our test. The children took a Weekly Assessment in Treasures, as well as a Grammar and a DOL review. We spent a lot of time this week choosing between the pronouns me/I, and we/us. (We practiced covering up the other subject in the sentence if there was more than one to help us choose between me/I). We worked this week to review our subtraction facts, and we also discussed perimeter and area. The children brought home all of their Australia materials today, including their passports, suitcases, and final assessments. They did and AMAZING job during our Australia unit! I was blown away by their deep understanding of a country/continent that is so far away from us. Their animal projects were full of detail and the children took such ownership of their learning! We enjoyed learning from each other very much through these projects! I especially liked to see how comfortable each and everyone was with speaking in front of their classmates! What a bunch of naturals! :) Thank you for all of your support and assistance with this home project, it is an experience the kids will remember!

In the children's red folders you will find TWO permission slips for upcoming field trips. The first one is for the Brookfield Zoo on May 4. There is not a fee to enter the zoo, but we will have to pay a fee for the bus.

The 2nd permission slip is for a very unique learning opportunity! We have just begun our writing unit on Biographies. In order to enhance our learning of this genre, each 2nd grade class has selected a Dryden staff member randomly to learn about in detail. Our class selected Mrs. Kenney from the library! With the help of a teacher/actor from the Metropolis Theater in downtown Arlington Heights, we are going to interview Mrs. Kenney and then write a collaborative biography about her life! When our biography is complete, our class will visit the Metropolis Theater to watch the biography that each 2nd grade class has written come to life on the stage. We are very excited to be able to take part in such an exciting project!

Please return those permission slips when you get a chance!
Enjoy the extended weekend, everyone!

:) Miss O'Sullivan

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