Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Tuesday's Tale by Kayleigh

Today we started the day with our DOL and DOG practice. We also worked on our individual quilt squares that each tell about a piece of Mrs. Kenney's life for our biography!

We read a story called The Ugly Vegetables. It was about a little girl and her mom who were planting a garden in their yard. They grew Chinese vegetables. Nearby, their neighbors were also planting their gardens. The little girl noticed that their gardens were different! Their gardens were full of beautiful flowers, while her own garden was full of boring old green leaves. In the end, the neighbor made a trade of delicious vegetable soup for those beautiful flowers. Our vocabulary words were: blooming, prickly, muscles, aroma, scent, and trade.

We did a fishing activity today too! With our small groups we took spoons and fished rainbow goldfish out of a pretend "ocean" paper plate for 30 seconds. The red fish represented sharks, the dark orange fish represented the red fish, the orange fish represented the clownfish, and the green fish represented the seaweed. After 30 seconds was over, we stopped fishing and Miss O'Sullivan helped us repopulate our oceans. If there were still 2 left of the same color, we would get another fish. One of our groups over-fished in the first round and NONE of their fish could be repopulated! After one or two rounds, the kids started to be more careful of what fish they took, so their oceans didn't run out of fish.

We learned that we can't too much of a natural resource, or it will run out.

We finished our natural resource posters in the LMC.

We had high school students from district 214 come and visit our class today! They want to be teachers!

Have a great dolphin evening!

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