Friday, November 11, 2016

Time FLIES when you are having fun! :)

We found beautiful colors on our class tree last week! It was so nice to pause and take a moment to take in the amazing fall happening around us!
The butterflies emerged from their chrysalis! First there was one, then there were 5, then there were 10, and so on! The children were happy and eagerly reporting new butterfly arrivals all throughout the day!

This was the day of game 7 of the World Series, right before the Cubs won it all! Go Cubs, GO!

We had the most perfect day to walk to the Police Department for our field trip! The sun was shining and the air was crisp! The children and I enjoyed counting Cubs flags on the way there, and American flags on the way home!

We stopped to notice that the Arlington Heights Fire Department is right next to the Police Department. Two important government services that keep the community members of Arlington Heights protected and safe!

Class photo in front of the Police Department!

Officer Veenstra led our class through all of the important places inside the Police Department including the evidence room, the shooting range, the exercise room, and the garage where the police bicycles and motorcycles are kept.

The children were locked up.... for a minute! :)

Thank you Officer Veenstra for teaching us about the important work of the police officers in Arlington Heights. We want to be the best citizens we can be!

Thank you also to Mrs. Pawlik, Mrs. Koury, and Mrs. Cinkler for coming along with us! We loved your company on our important learning adventure.

Now that we have begun our citizenship unit, the children were so excited to begin studying one of our early United States presidents! The 2nd graders are going to be creating a "Hall of Presidents," and our class is researching presidents #1-14. These will be on display in the hallway when they are complete!
We logged into our Dream Box accounts to practice our math skills in a new way. The children loved the "game" feel of this interactive math skill program!

We took advantage of one of these unseasonably warm fall days to say goodbye to our beautiful butterflies. Many of them didn't fly away- I think they wanted to stay with us for just a bit longer!

Max's mom came in to celebrate his star student week with us last week! Together, they demonstrated a fascinating experiment that got us thinking about the flow speed of various substances (viscosity) including molasses, vegetable oil, and water. The children were excited to make predictions and then watched to see which cup would empty first!  

We are so lucky to have such an interesting, observant, and bright boy like Max in our class this year! You had a great star student week, Max!

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