Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Showing our gratitude in 2-2

The children have been enjoying the beautiful unseasonably warm temperatures as we reach the middle of November! We noticed that our class tree, however, is preparing for the winter which is just around the corner! 

We were so happy to celebrate our local veterans in a touching ceremony last Friday on Veterans' Day.

Together we recited the Pledge of Allegiance with the help of our Boy and Girl Scouts.
The children introduced their veteran guests and shared the branch years they served our country.

Our veterans received a warm round of applause!

Dawid's dad, Staff Sergeant Porebski visited our classroom to share his military experience with us. We learned so much about his job, where he was stationed, how he traveled, and his training.

Chloe and Dawid tried on the gear he brought to show us! It was HEAVY!

Staff Sergeant Porebski pointed out the places he traveled to on our world map.

Dawid and his dad explained what his badges of honor signify.
We enjoyed our visit with Dawid's dad, and our understanding of and appreciation for our veterans deepened tremendously thanks to his visit!
We were lucky enough to have TWO amazing veterans visit our classroom! Mia's grandpa came in and shared his experience serving in the army during Vietnam. He told us interesting stories of his time in the military, and we realized quickly how brave and courageous Mia's grandpa is as well!
We salute our veterans!

The children took some time to create cards for our special guests. These cards not only included sentiments of gratitude for keeping our country strong and free, but it also reinforced the children's understanding of the importance of this important day of recognition.

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