Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Taking off to Australia!

G'Day Mates! Our class officially left for our trip to study Australia. The children gathered their suitcases, packing lists, boarding passes and passports and boarded our imaginary plane for their flight to Sydney. We are so excited to learn all we can about the land down under!

During math, the children worked hard to collect, sort, analyze, and graph data. They gathered data about their wing span and also about their long jump. The children practiced arranging their data from the minimum to the maximum (or vice versa) and they also subtracted these two numbers to find the range of our data set. Finally, the children eliminated the minimum and the maximum until they were left with the median, or middle number. The children were eager to sort themselves by size and figure out who was left in the middle - which is also known one way to find the average! 

It was Lucy's week to shine! We were so happy to welcome Lucy's mom and her older sister to our classroom to celebrate Lucy's star week at school. Lucy demonstrated a really neat experiment for the class that showed the effect of food coloring on a swatch of fabric. Lucy poured more water in one cup than the other cup, but added the same amount of food coloring to each. The children enjoyed predicting what they thought they would see at the end of the experiment. 

Lucy read a cute story called "The Napping House" while her fabric soaked in the colored water. 

Sure enough, after checking in on Lucy's experiment after reading, one of our predictions was correct!  The cloth in the cup that had less water was a deeper shade of blue, because the food coloring was more concentrated. What a fun experiment! 
The children and I agreed that we are so lucky to have such a bright, caring, observant girl in our class this year who is sweet to everyone! You had a terrific week, Lucy!

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