Monday, February 16, 2015

2-2: A Caring, Cooperative Class!

We had another great week at school! It was packed full of learning and fun!

 During math, the kids spent time collecting data. Using tape measures, the children practiced measuring their wing spans using both inches and centimeters.

 Then, the kids each took turns completing a standing long jump. The children worked in cooperative groups to collect this information. Each person in the group had a role: jumper, marker, line judge, and measurer.  They rotated through each of these positions until everyone had completed two jumps, measured both in inches and in centimeters. They worked wonderfully together as small teams to accomplish this task!

 It was time to spruce up our classroom for Valentine's Day! The children had fun creating little valentine owls with candy heart messages.

 BACK to math... now that we have data collected about our wing spans and our long jumps, it was time for us to analyze the data. We worked to find the median, or average of this information by first SORTING the data from the minimum to the maximum. (See the picture below of the children and their data organized by size :). We then eliminated the minimum and the maximum from each side until we were left with the median in the middle!

 Another dose of fun... Mark selected a dance party from the treasure chest after completing his incentive chart this week! The kids enjoyed getting their blood pumping during this little break from our learning!

Our Valentine celebration arrived! The kids were so excited for their party on Friday afternoon. They started off by decorating large envelopes to collect their valentines in for the party.

 Mrs. Moreth challenged the children's estimating skills by having them guess how many chocolate hearts she was holding!
 Mrs. Ninness helped the children prepare Valentine bingo game boards to play with.

 The children had delicious cupcakes, grapes, juice and water during the party.

 There were a lot of pink faces and hands at the end of the party!
 Our last fun event of the week was Kelly's star student presentation! We were so happy to welcome Kelly's mom, dad, her older sister Annie and her friend Alex into our classroom to celebrate Kelly with us. Kelly started off with a really interesting experiment using shaving cream and food coloring that showed us how clouds get heavy with moisture when it rains.

 Then, Kelly shared a story with the class that she selected herself! She read "Snowmen All Year" to her classmates!

 A picture of the happy Ninness family, +Alex! Such beautiful, happy smiles!
We are so lucky to have such a bright ray of sunshine in our class this year! Kelly is sweet, hardworking, and caring girl. We are so fortunate that she is in our class!!

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