Saturday, June 7, 2014

The last week of school

We had a lot of fun during our last week of school!
* The first graders in Mrs. Coyle and Mrs. Glaser's class came to our class for a tour of 2nd grade! We loved showing them around!
* Our class took a 3rd grade tour of Mrs. Morizzo (Brignola)'s class! Our children were armed with clipboards and questions! This meant business!
* We had a special visit from Ms. Julie at the Arlington Heights Memorial Library who sang us some catchy dance/move songs, read a story, and let us know about the summer reading program at the Arlington Heights library!
*  Mrs. Mullan and Mrs. Bartels came in to wrap up our Art Appreciation lessons for the year! We reviewed all of the beautiful and interesting pieces of art that they shared with us this year!
* We completed a memory book full of the fun events of our year in 2nd grade, complete with a few photos! Hopefully this will be a fun keepsake!
* We attended an end of the year all-school assembly where each of the grade levels took turns singing a song they learned in music, and we watched a slide show of photos from throughout the year! 
It was a wonderful year-end celebration!
Here we are are ready to head into the 3rd grade wing for our visit! The children came up with some great questions about units they will be studying, how homework works, reading groups, field trips, and behavior! They learned a lot!

Mrs. Mullan and Mrs. Bartels review the art pieces from the school year with the class!

It was time for the 1st graders to come in and take a look around! The 2nd graders were so excited to fill them in on what's to come next year!

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