Saturday, June 7, 2014

The last day!

Our last day of 2nd grade!
It's hard to believe our school year is over! The time went by so fast, especially the last few days. 
We had an amazing group of kids in our class this year that worked hard, helped and cared about each other, and learned and grew so much! 
Good luck in 3rd grade, class!
I will miss you!
Love, Miss O'Sullivan
 Look at those smiles!
 "Silly" picture!
 Lining the halls to wave and cheer for our 5th grade students!

 It was both happy and sad to say goodbye to our 5th graders, some with teary smiles, as they marched by for the last time! They are going to do a great job at South next year!
But unfortunately those tears were contagious, and before long, a few of us had teary smiles too! It's sometimes really hard to say goodbye! What a great testament to the bonds that we made with each other this year. Everyone had a special place in our class and will be missed dearly!

No more tears! Have a wonderful summer full of smiles and sunshine!!

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