Saturday, February 15, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day!

Another fun-filled yet hard working week for the 2nd graders in 2-2!
Here are some photo highlights!
 In math, the children did a few explorations with weight using the classroom scale. They also practiced using tape measures to measure their arm span and standing jump in both inches and centimeters.
 In order to measure the standing jumps, the children broke down into groups of 4. They each took turns being the: jumper, measurer, marker, and line judge. They took their jobs very seriously!
 It was wonderful watching the kids work with their teams. They were very cooperative!

 Now that we have the data for two standing jumps for each child, we are going to work to sort the data next week! The children will be looking for the minimum and the maximum jumps in order to determine the range, and they will be finding the median (middle/average) jump as well!

 We continue to practice our math facts! More and more of the children have completed their addition facts on, and are moving on to subtraction! We also have one particularly speedy fellow who has even zoomed on to start practicing multiplication, with a few friends close behind! Wow!! :)

 Maeve selected "sitting at the teacher's desk" from the list of classroom incentives after completing her sticker chart this week! I should have had her grade some papers! :)
 Katie writes in her journal during the "writing" portion of our Daily 5 centers!
 Nick and Demetra quiz each other on their spelling words.
 Chloe quizzes Jennifer and Anna on their spelling words! Great practice!
 Max, Nico, and Andrew practice their reading, decoding, and fluency during their reading group.
 Tyler quizzes Danny on his spelling words..

 It was time for a DOG quiz! The children use a laminated map to help them answer geography questions.

 Nick was my material manager this week! He did a great job keeping track of and collecting the kids' papers!
 Final review before our spelling test- a game of SPARKLE!
 Persuasive writing time- using the cereal boxes the children brought in, we scanned them for important words to use in the creation of our VERY OWN CEREAL that we are designing! We looked for words that described flavor, health, and nutrition!

 We started off by thinking of a NAME for our cereal. Then we wrote a powerful opening paragraph describing what it tastes like!

 It was Maeve's week to be our star student! We welcomed Mr. and Mrs. Morris to our classroom!
 Maeve showed us two glass jars- one was round, and one was square. We predicted which jar would make the straw look larger when Maeve filled them with water and placed a straw inside!
 Which one do you think it was??
 Maeve read the class an adorable Splat the Cat book- Valentine's Day edition! So cute!

 An adorable picture of the Morris family! We are so happy to have Maeve in our class this year- what a helpful, sweet, hardworking student! Maeve is always willing to lend a helping hand, and she sets a quick pace for our class! She is always ready and eager to learn something new!! You had a terrific star week, Maeve!
 Time for the Valentine's Day party! While it looks like the children are ready to be handcuffed, what they are really doing is trying to tear a small piece of paper into a paper heart without looking!
 It's a lot harder than it looks! :)
 There were a lot of giggles when we shared what we thought was a heart! 

 Some turned out remarkably well! 

 The kids enjoyed some tasty treats, thank you to our parent contributions from Mrs. Czapulonis, Mrs. Kennedy, and Mrs. Davis!

 The children had fun decorating enormous Valentine envelopes.

 Then it was time to distribute our valentines!

 We took a few minutes to take a look through our sweet notes and messages. Then it was time for PE and Music!

Thank you so much for all of the sweet notes, treats, flowers, and happy Valentine's day wishes that I received yesterday!  What a wonderful day it was!

I hope you all enjoyed your Valentine's day, and enjoy a long relaxing President's Day weekend!

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