Saturday, December 14, 2013

Highlights of our week!

It was 2-2's turn to say the Pledge of Allegiance during morning announcements this week! 

Our whole group story was Officer Buckle and Gloria! Skills we worked on with this story included reading aloud with proper fluency and purposeful expression, as well as using the pictures to gather additional information about the text. The children enjoyed "Buddy Reading" this story to practice reading it in a comfortable, interesting way!

Along with their regular reading group texts, the children also read about various safety tips (water, road, home) based on our theme of the week. 

 We continue to work through our letter writing unit. This week, the children practiced writing thank you notes! We practiced: 1) mentioning the gift or kind gesture, 2) using courtesy words and phrases, 3) sharing how the gift made us feel, or how we are able to use it. The children then decided on a person they would like to thank, and put these skills into practice!
 The children were excited to use "actual" thank you notes! Several children decided to thank our school staff- Mrs. Sessler, Mr. Gries, Mr. Deptula, and Mr. Bob, others decided to thank family members -grandparents, aunts and uncles, moms and dads, and a few chose to thank classmates! They did a terrific job on their notes!

Our math lessons continue to focus on geometry. After learning about polygons, parallel lines, and right  (square) angles last week, we moved on to 3 dimensional shapes this week! We identified spheres, cubes, rectangular prisms, cylinders, cones, pyramids, and spheres. Thank you to everyone for bringing in authentic examples of these shapes for our Shapes Museum!
Using "Magneatos" (magnetic pieces) the children practiced constructing a series of pyramids. We noticed that the shape of the BASE determined the name of the shape. (Triangular pyramid, square pyramid, hexagonal pyramid, etc.) 

 The children did a nice job of working together!
 Once their shapes were complete, they were able to count the vertices, edges, and faces of each shape!

 It was pretty chilly outside this week, so the kids had a number of indoor recesses. Here, the kids were playing a game of "Blurt!" The kids colored pictures, played Battleship, and built structures out of unifix cubes during their brain breaks.
 Another writing lesson this week included making invitations. The children learned that a good invitation answers the 5 W's: who, what, where, why, and when. There is also contact information so the guests can let the party planner know if they are coming. Also, it is important to remember to include any additional information that the party goer may need to know- how to dress, what to bring, any food/drinks that may be served, etc. Together we planned a pretend ice skating party!
 It was Andrew's week to shine as our Star Student. His mom and dad came in for a visit on Friday afternoon!
They helped Andrew with his experiment, called "Air Rocket."

 Andrew showed us how a balloon can function as a rocket when it is taped to a straw on a string. The balloon flew in the opposite direction that the air was being forced out of the balloon! When the air was gone, the balloon stopped. This was such a cool experiment, and an awesome review of some important concepts from our Motion unit in the fall!
Andrew read "Froggy Goes to Hawaii" to the class. He did a wonderful job of reading with fluency and expression! The children enjoyed his book choice! 

A sweet family picture of Andrew and his parents. We are so lucky to have such a hardworking, caring and friendly boy in our class. You had a terrific week, Andrew!

Our lessons about holiday customs continued this week! We read a book called Cobweb Christmas to learn a little bit about the traditions in Germany. Did you know that the customs of the Christmas Tree (Tannenbaum) and gingerbread cookies and houses come from Germany?

After reading and learning about the customs in Germany, the children put all of their hands together to make a miniature tree for our classroom!

I received this cute picture of Kelly posing with her poinsettia at home! 
It is so much fun to see the children applying their learning from school!

Have a nice weekend!
Stay warm!

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