Friday, November 22, 2013

Just wait till you hear about the fun we had THIS week! :)

It was election week in 2-2! After having our primaries, and then our National Convention followed by a LOT of campaigning by our two main candidates- Fair Francine and Tough Tom, it was time for the second graders in 2-2 to vote for the class president that they felt would do the best job. The 2nd graders registered to vote, and then approached the voting booth for their turn to cast their ballot!

 The children were proud to show that they had exercised their right to vote by decorating and wearing "I VOTED" buttons!

 You might have heard, Fair Francine won in a landslide! She received the majority of the votes in our class and became the "President-Elect" of our class. Both candidates ran a wonderful campaign!
 Here "Francine" waves to and thanks her voters!
 Tough Tom congratulates his opponent graciously (and unprompted! :)

 In other news, our Fairy Tales are finally complete! You might remember that the children have been working to write their own unique versions of Goldilocks and the 3 Bears. A few of the children were able to share their stories during class this week. They are all hanging in the hallway for you to view at conferences next week!

 Mrs. Mullan came in to teach a wonderful art appreciation lesson to the children about Japanese art. The children learned all about the abundantly beautiful cherry blossoms that come from Japan. They also learned how to write a Haiku poem! They practiced counting the syllables in words to make sure that their poem matched the 5-7-5 syllable rhythm!

 The children used the bottom of a water/soda bottle to make their own versions of the cherry blossoms that they learned about!

 Thank you for a wonderful lesson, Mrs. Mullan!
 It was Mr. Sanzone's last day visiting and helping our class. He read a Time for Kids news article, helped the kids take their spelling test, and he read them a story called "There was an Old Lady who Swallowed a Pie." It was fun having him visit the last few weeks!

 After the election, it was time for our Inauguration Day. Fair Francine repeated the inaugural oath of the President of the United States (with a few tweaks :) and vowed to uphold the law of the Constitution in our classroom! It's official!
 The children also learned about the first Thanksgiving this week. They read a passage and highlighted the important details that helped them answer the who, what, where, when, how, and why of the passage.
 They also identified the author's purpose of the passage- it was to inform us with the facts about the first Thanksgiving! We learned so much!
 Finally, the children had to form their own opinion about why they would or would not have liked to be aboard the Mayflower. They came up with really great, thoughtful reasons!

 You didn't think we were done yet, did you? A final activity of the week was to write a letter to the President of the United States. We wanted to let him know that we were learning about citizenship, the job of the president, and we wanted to ask a few questions! The letters turned out great!

 The children also had practice addressing an envelope- to the White House! They did a wonderful job of making their own lines and writing all of the information in the proper place - and so neatly!

 Mrs. Jo Jo came in to tell the kids Happy Thanksgiving...
 And they bombarded her with hugs!
Mr. Gries popped by with the same idea! He stole a little bit of Mrs. Jo-jo's "thunder," as one of the students put it! They are so funny!

I wish you have a wonderful, restful Thanksgiving with your families!

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