Saturday, February 2, 2013

Ally is a SUPER star!

It was our Ally's week to shine! We had a lovely visit from Ally's mom, dad, and her younger sister Sidney! Ally and her dad showed us how to create LIGHTNING by rubbing two balloons against the wall and wool gloves to create static electricity. When they put the balloons near each other, we heard them crackle, just like miniature lightning! The kids were excited to go home to try this out! Ally and Sidney then shared a story about Ally's favorite topic- HORSES! We are starting to love horses almost as much as Ally! (She also created a cereal this week called "Horsey Crisps!" We are so lucky to have such a sweet, hard working, and caring student in our class!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Miss O'Sullivan!!!!! The experiment she did was sounded sooooooooooo cool!! Tell her for me good job!!!

    Love Ava D.
