Friday, May 27, 2011

We are iPad explorers!

The iPads visited our classroom again this week! We received a set of 7, and when we combined them with another teacher's set, we were able to have two children work together with one to figure out some really cool things to do with it!

1) We had digital DEAR (drop everything and read!) time. The children chose digital stories to watch, listen to, interact with, of course while following along with the words.

2) We had the opportunity to practice the multiplication facts we have recently begun learning! You might see in the photos that the children were thinking really hard to come up with the correct answers- some used their fingers to count in sets, others used the number line on their desks. There was also a digital number line on the iPad! A few of us have begun memorizing them, and were just zipping through them! It was a very motivating tool that encouraged them to practice!

3) We visited a website together as a class called I learned about this site a few weeks back in a staff meeting, and this was a really good opportunity to use it! It is a form of a search engine, but it allows you to search two items at a time- and it will compare the two for you! Of course we typed in "United States, Australia" and we were able to see the comparison between the populations, the most common languages used, the flags, the average age, the average salary, and more!

The children grew very comfortable using the iPads (and in such a short time, too!) and they were sad to see them go at the end of the week. This will surely not be the last we see of the iPad at Dryden! It's the way of the future! :)

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