Friday, May 27, 2011

2nd grade scientists!

Thursday was our Science Olympiad day. Science Olympiad is a fun time for the children to visit a series of science stations that enable them to think, observe, and discover. The station they visited in our own classroom was called, "What Went By?" They looked at a series of items: a bird's nest, snake skin, a deer bone, shark's teeth, a cicada, a hornet's nest, a log that was gnawed on by a beaver, and a branch that was hollowed out by a woodpecker. The children had to think about what the object was, who it belonged to, and what habitat it came from. They were amazing thinkers! The children also visited a graphing station, learned about aerodynamics, and viewed some interesting things (living and non!) under a microscope. Thank you again to Mrs. Pawlik and Mrs. Blake who were able to lead our children to these stations. They really enjoyed this extraordinary experience!!

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