Thursday, May 27, 2010


The children and I have begun reading one of my favorite stories of all time! As we share our last read aloud of the year, the children are currently meeting the characters of Avery, Wilbur, Templeton and Charlotte. What a wonderful book to end with as we see a friendship develop between two such unlikely characters. It is exciting to watch the children become so eager to hear the next part of the story each day. They are beginning to develop the sense that they truly know these characters, and are showing genuine concern for their well-being! We are also using the "read aloud" time to practice all of the comprehension strategies we have been working on this year, including: using background knowledge, visualizing, asking questions, making predictions, making connections, inferring, and drawing conclusions. I am also a firm believer that reading aloud to the children encourages the children to then want to read to themselves!

Speaking of reading, our last book orders of the school year went home today! Since we won't have school again until June 2nd, the only way to place your book club order this time around will be online, to ensure that the books will arrive in time.
 In order to place your last book order of the school year, visit:
username: osullivan
password: bookorders
 Orders are due the morning of Monday, May 31st.
Happy reading this summer!

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