Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Making Paper

The children had an in-school field trip last week as we wrapped up our unit on Saving the Earth. The ladies from The Grove in Glenview came to show the children how to make paper! They also showed them how to sort their garbage. Finally, the children made an art project out of reused materials! What a great way to wrap up our unit!

 Here, the children are tearing up used paper into small bits.
     After adding some water, everyone got the chance to help blend the paper into a slurry substance.
Max placed a screen over a bowl.
Adam and Albie helped poured the substance over the screen.
Adam and Lily lined up a piece of foam to press the water out. Evelyn and Max watch as paper begins to take shape in front of them!
David presses out any excess water with a rolling pin.
Here the children are sorting garbage into items that can be recycled, donated, or simply thrown in the garbage.
Zach and Tyler are making flowers out of an egg carton and scraps of colorful magazine paper!
Sophia, Ashley and Lily are hard at work!
What a fun time we had doing our part to help the planet!

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