Monday, November 8, 2021


As usual, the kids have been hard at work in 2nd grade! Read on to find out the latest happenings in 2-2.

Reading: The children have been working to make connections to deepen their understanding while reading. We have learned about text-text, text-self, and text-world connections.  We have also been looking for clues about the author's tone in a text. The author might use specific words, punctuation marks, and illustrations to convey a tone in the story. The author's tone creates a mood in the reader! This can be sadness, happiness, frustration, anger, or silliness!

Math:  We have moved on to Chapter 4 which focuses on bar models. We are reading story problems carefully to determine what information we can pull from the text. Sometimes it will be combining two groups of items (adding) sometimes it will be comparing two groups of items (subtracting) and sometimes we will be given a total number of items, and a group, and it is our job to figure out how many are in the remaining group. Drawing a bar model helps us to visualize what is happening in the story problem, and then solve.

Science: We finished up our studies of various habitats. Our last investigation involved learning about pollination. The children watched as a bee landed on a flower, bumping into the pollen dusters as it headed to the center of the flower to get some nectar. The bee then flew off to another flower and spread the pollen from the previous flower to the stamen of the next flower, mixing the pollen from both flowers together. We learned that insects and animals (including monkeys!) help plant life to prosper.

Social studies:  We began learning about communities. We learned that communities provide people the opportunities to live, play, work, and solve problems. The children created beautiful community maps that contained examples of each of these!

Writing:  The children finished their scary stories, adding interesting sight and sound words to make them very exciting to listen to and to read. The children also wrote notes of appreciation to our Veterans in honor of the upcoming Veterans Day on November 11th.

Handwriting:  We continue to learn proper letter formation, including size and space on the page. The children practiced writing a paragraph in their handwriting books this week beginning with an indented first line, a main idea, and at least 3 details. We noticed that the first word of each sentence, as well as the names of cities and countries are capitalized. We made sure to end each sentence with a period/punctuation mark, too!

Pen Pals:  Our pen pals are inspiring us to write some fantastic letters! This month, we added a turkey bookmark for each of our penpals in our mailing. The children enjoyed adding a turkey joke to the back of their letter, too! We are having some fun with our friends across the country in California. We learned that many of them live in Hollywood! We are looking forward to our next response from our 2nd grade pals! The children are snapping pictures and posting their letters (both written and received) on Seesaw so you can follow along!

Thank you for continuing to write to the children in our Friday journals! Our writing skills continue to grow with all of this authentic practice! We love sharing our learning with you!
Upcoming dates:

11/10 - Birthday Books for November Birthdays

11/12 - End of First Trimester

11/16 - PTA Dine-Out at Portillo's

11/19 - Report Cards emailed to parents

11/22 - 11/26 - Thanksgiving Break, No School

11/29 - School resumes

12/3 - ABC/25 Get Burbed Challenge T-Shirt Design Contest entries due

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