Monday, November 6, 2017

Learning + fun = another week in 2nd grade!

The children had so much excitement this past week at school! An in-school field trip with High Tech/High Touch, a Halloween party and parade, preparing for our upcoming Henry Cole visit, word study games, and more! Below are a few more pictures of our most recent adventures at school! (I attached Halloween pictures to the post before this one, but I will add a link to Mrs. Benassi and Mrs. Jalowiecki's awesome pictures from the amazing party they planned here! )

 We enjoyed another book by Henry Cole in the LMC this week! This book got us thinking about ways to predict the weather. We are so excited to meet Henry Cole in person!

 The students enjoyed researching the concept of weather forecasting, and taking notes using Pebble Go!

 They sorted their facts into the categories: meteorologists, tools, radar, and clouds.

 We have been using Seesaw more and more to share and reflect on our learning at school. The children have been recording themselves subtracting 3 digit numbers, reading their fairy tales after a careful publishing process, and recording a fluency reading passage using their smoothest reading voice. It is so great to see the children's skills grow stronger, and they grow even MORE when they share through Seesaw. They play back their work, consider it carefully, and will re-record to make improvements. We especially love receiving feedback from parents and classmates!

 A word study lesson had us looking closely at r controlled words. These are words that have ar, er, ir, or, or ur. They enjoyed rolling giant dice and searching for words on a word chart that matched the letter combination they rolled.

 During our last lessons of our solids, liquids, and gases unit, the children looked closely at different solids. They noticed that not all solids have the same hardness, and many solids can change shape!

 We enjoyed celebrating MARTIN as our super star last week! It was great to have his mom and sister in as our special guests on Friday afternoon! They shared a fascinating experiment that got us thinking about refraction (the nickel disappeared in the water!) and a chilly snowy book that got us thinking about winter which is just around the corner!  You had a terrific week, Martin!

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