Friday, April 21, 2017

A 2-2 update!

The 2nd graders have been having fun and learning a LOT at school!
View photos below from some of our interesting learning experiences!

 We participated in bus evacuation practice. The children learned what to do in case of an emergency while riding the school bus.

 Recent April showers led to a few indoor recess days! The children LOVED building and exploring with Picasso magnetic building tiles!

 During reading workshop, the children learned about tools scientists use to measure the energy and the impact of an earthquake. Here, they are "turning and talking" to their neighbor to process their understanding of seismographs, the Richter Scale, and the Mercalli Scale of Magnitude.

 The 2nd graders were beyond excited to meet author Peter Brown, and listen to him read one of his own stories to us!

 He then demonstrated how he draws Mr. Tiger, from Mr. Tiger Goes Wild!

 Quin was especially excited to meet Peter Brown, he brought in his own copy of the book from home that he had been reading with his family- so he could get an autograph!

 Here are a few of our boys spending quality time with a good book in the LMC!
 The children have begun investigating solids, liquids, and gases. They were measuring, describing, drawing, and comparing the properties of various objects.

 We were so excited to notice the buds forming on our class tree! All of a sudden, there were tiny leaves!

 More building! The kids enjoyed planning and designing together!
 Other children enjoyed drawing during their free time during indoor recess.
 And yet others decided they would like to practice coding!

... and login to Dreambox to practice their math skills in a fun way!

 It's hard to believe we were watching our 5th graders final performance this week! They did a great job!

 In honor or Earth Day, the children practiced synthesizing their learning about earth's systems and ways to help the earth to create "Call to Action" Earth Day posters! The children were challenged to create a title, state their powerful opinion, come up with several ways to make a difference, and to share what will happen if we don't act now!  These posters are turning out great!

 The children thought about why they love our planet. They thought about additional ways they can help the Earth at home!
 We had a bundle of amazing moms come in to help us practice the conservation skill of REUSING. The children brought in old grocery bags, sorted them into groups of 21, and then learned how to braid them together to create a jump rope!

 Riley worked on a "reuse" project on her own at home- she created a TV! With a remote! And she came up with several "channels" to go along with it! What a clever and innovative creation!!

 Our jump rope making activity was inspired by this book, One Plastic Bag that tells how one woman from Gambia made a difference in her community by recycling the bags that were cluttering their village and hurting their animals. She turned these bags into zippered pouches that she sold for a profit, entirely changing the direction and future of her village. The children were inspired to make something new out of their garbage bags too- jump ropes!

We ended the week with the children taking their Math MAP test. It was wonderful to see the children focus and work hard on this assessment, especially at the end of such a busy and fun-filled week. Great job, class!

Enjoy the weekend!

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