Sunday, February 5, 2017

2-2 News Update!

We dropped into the office last week with cards and flowers for our dear office assistant, Mrs. Kelly, whose days at Dryden are coming to a close after many dedicated years. Mrs. Kelly has been a huge support to our school, looking after the teachers, students, and families and welcoming everyone who enters the office with a warm and happy smile. We will miss her dearly!

 A reading strategy that we focused on was determining the author's purpose while reading. We looked carefully for evidence that led us to decide if the author was trying to entertain us, persuade us, or inform us!

 The children posted their findings on post-it notes and stuck them to the white board so we could learn from each other! We noticed that many- but not all- nonfiction texts fell into the "inform" category!

It was Sasha's week to be our super star student! We enjoyed getting to know even more about her. We were happy to welcome her mom to the classroom to share an experiment with the class. They showed us how to combine primary colors to create new colors using water! The children had fun thinking about what they learned about color mixing in art class, and applying it, thinking about what other colors they can create! They shared the book Spaghetti with the Yeti with the class and everyone enjoyed it! We are so happy to have such a happy, friendly, sweet, and bright girl in our class this year!

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