Thursday, January 5, 2017

We enjoyed the final days of the year!

Here are a few photos of our last week before break! The children enjoyed:
* learning about a few holiday traditions and preparing gifts and cards for their families
*extending their coding practice during indoor recesses due to cold temperatures outside
*helping to build a fun and interactive polar display in the hallway outside our classroom
* participate in a grand finale of excitement at this year's Winter Wonderland - an hour of songs, crafts, and games with Mrs. Sessler and the PTA! 

 We also were able to celebrate our star student, Chase! We were happy to welcome Mr. and Mrs. Koury into our classroom for a really neat science experiment that challenged us to think about how the density of an object affects its ability to float, and to share a favorite classic story of Henny Penny, too! Chase is a remarkable classroom leader, an incredibly hard worker, a thoughtful helper, and a caring friend. Chase impresses me every single day with the empathy and consideration he shows toward all of the people around him!

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