Friday, September 16, 2016

This week in photos!

It's really amazing how much 7-8 year old children can conquer in a given week at school. They move from reading, to spelling, to writing, to social studies, to math, to special areas classes making many transitions in a given day. As the weeks move on, the transition time between activities begins to decrease causing the amount of material that we can cover to increase. The children are becoming more and more responsible for their materials and keeping their binders in their desks organized and neat so these transitions can continue to grow in efficiency. 

Below are a few snapshot of the learning that took place this week in 2-2!

 We practiced sorting money into various increments. The children learned to count the money from the greatest dollar value to the smallest. They practice working with a buddy and they used a slate to record the sums they gathered for each dollar amount.

 The children enjoyed applying their new landform knowledge in a beautiful mural that shows their understanding of each landform. I was again amazed at the outstanding artistic talents of our students!
 Another way to enhance student learning this week was by visiting Brainpop Jr. to view short videos about landforms, oceans & continents, and map skills. The children enjoyed adding another format of learning to strengthen their understanding.

The children also had their first classroom opportunity using their Seesaw accounts. The children practiced opening Seesaw using our classroom QR code. Then they took a photograph of their landform mural. Finally, they recorded a "play-by-play" of their landform mural, explaining each landform or body of water and what they know about each one! What a great way to process learned information by explaining it outloud. Parents, feel free to log in to your child's Seesaw account using the QR code in your folder from Curriculum Night and comment on your child's work. They will LOVE to hear your feedback!
 The children reviewed how the hundreds chart works. This is an important tool that will be a support to the children all year long. They remembered that the numbers get bigger and smaller by 1 moving left and right, and they get bigger and smaller by 10 moving up and down. The children have hundreds charts in their home folders to assist them with future math skills.
 Again we practiced partner skills as the children worked together to complete a class hundreds chart up to 1,000!

We enjoyed our time in the LMC this week with Mrs. O'Kelly and Mrs. Jojo. The children learned about the true story behind the lovable character Winnie the Pooh!

 The children LOVE browsing the shelves for new books each week. They are reminded not only to choose books that interest them, but also books that they can read successfully and understand. The children are encouraged to read a page or two as they make their selections to make sure its a "right fit" book for them.
 Gavin was our first star student of the week! We were happy to welcome Mrs. Zemla into our classroom to share a story and a science experiment with the class with Gavin.  We have a large group of soccer fans in our class this year, so a nonfiction book about soccer was a huge hit! Gavin also chose a Halloween book.

Gavin had a fantastic star week! He is such a hardworking, caring, and considerate classmate. He is a tremendous artist as well! You are truly a 2nd grade star, Gavin! :)

Have a wonderful weekend!
Ms. O'Sullivan

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