Monday, August 29, 2016

The 2016-2017 school year is off and running!

We had a terrific first day of 2nd grade of the 2016-2017 school year! Here are a few pictures of all we covered on our 1st day together. We are looking forward to an outstanding year ahead!

 All lined up and ready to go!
 Such pretty smiles!
 2nd grade here we come!
 Such a beautiful day to begin the school year!
 The sun was very bright and cheery as we headed inside!

 Unpacking our brand new school supplies!
 Getting to know our new classmates!
First pledge of allegiance as 2nd graders!
 Here we are! What a sweet and happy group of students we have this year in 2-2! I can already tell it is going to be a wonderful year!
Here is our starting line-up:

 We listened to First Day Jitters together and then thought about our feelings about the first day of school.

 We took a tour of the building and located the library, music, and art rooms.

 We stopped to say hello to Echo the dolphin, our Dryden mascot!

 We tiptoed into the office to meet Mrs. Lane and Mrs. Kelly who were hard at work!

 It rained during our afternoon recess time! The kids pulled out some fun indoor activities to play.

 We played a fun "Get-to-know-you" game of People Bingo! The kids enjoyed asking each other about themselves to fill in their game board.

What a fantastic first day of 2nd grade! 
I am looking forward to seeing everyone again bright and early tomorrow morning for Day #2! 

:) Kelly O'Sullivan

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