Thursday, June 9, 2016

Our last moments of the 2015-2016 school year!

As our school year came to a close this week, the children had some fun with STEAM activities! Below, you can see the children working to redistribute the weight of the different layers of their building hoping to maintain its support and balance. They had fun trying out different ways to keep their building standing, while still maintaining the "load" of the floor above!

 We started our year taking photos just like these of the kids, so it seemed fitting to end the year in the same way! Its so much fun to see how much they have grown and changed in such a short time!

 Here are our attempts to fit everyone in the frame... :)

 The kids LOVED making pictures in art class that opened up to change or embellish their drawings further. Mrs. Sessler popped by to wish everyone a happy summer, and she was very impressed with the children's drawings! They all raced over to show her their work!

 Our school year came to a close with an awesome showcase of our students (and several staff members') talents! We watched this terrific drum performance from our 5th graders, as well as a whole school version of the "Joe" song, and even a dance performed by several of our fearless teachers! It was a fun and happy close to such a terrific school year!

Thank you parents for your wonderful collaboration and endless support this year! We had an outstanding year together and I couldn't be prouder of all of the remarkable progress the children made. They are ready for 3rd grade! I hope you all have a relaxing summer full of friends, family, sunshine, AND BOOKS!!! :)

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