Saturday, April 9, 2016

Poets, Artists, Analysts, Measurers, Researchers, and Presenters

The learning never stops in 2-2! Thinking of a title for this post, I stopped to think about just how many different roles the children take on in the classroom each week. It is truly amazing to see all that they are capable of!
Read on to see some of our latest highlights!

In math our unit on measurement is in full swing. During one of our lessons, the students were introduced to the terms "standard unit of measure." We tried to measure our classroom using 2nd graders, but we realized two important things: not all 2nd graders are the same size, and not everyone knows the unit "2nd grader!" We learned that there are two systems of measurement, the US Customary System and the Metric System. The children and I created a Table of Equivalent Measures and looked closely at what these units are and how they correlate with each other.

 I posted a few of the children's personalized learning projects earlier this week. Here are a few "behind the scenes" photos that showed how the children created such unique, wonderful work. Mrs. Horcher popped in one afternoon during her spring break from her school to help these boys begin their Adobe Voice presentation!

 Joana and Natalie are using the computer to take detailed notes about their "wonder" related to our life cycle unit!
 To connect life cycles with poetry, the children had fun creating these adorable ladybugs! They attached the life cycle of the ladybug and created a clever diamante poem to go along with their project, too!

 Here are a few cute photos of our class in the gym, preparing to see visitor Bill Buczinsky's poetry presentation. He had the children moving and bouncing to the rhythm all throughout the morning!

 Back in the classroom, the children plunged back into poetry. After a few minutes of reading poems with Paige, Maggie raced over to me and said, "Ms. O'Sullivan, I think I found the rhythm of this one! Do you want to hear it?!" I can't tell you how much I LOVE this enthusiasm for learning!
 Emma, Natalie, and Kurt are reading poems carefully and are thinking about what inspired the poet to write the poem. We realized that if we can infer the inspiration, we can even better understand what the poem is about!

 The children are really enjoying this poetry unit! Each poem is so different and sometimes unexpected... Meg and Samantha are reading a poem below about the poet's love of ketchup!

 The children felt so proud to come up and share a poem they had been reading and thinking about with their classmates. They shared what they thought inspired the poet, and then we shared what we thought, too! This led to some great discussions, and even to some changing their mind after hearing the great ideas of their classmates.

 In math the children did some more work with measurement. In this lesson, we focused on the foot, noticing that it is 12 inches long and that there are 3 feet in a yard. We also learned about the decimeter which is the equivalent of 10 centimeters, or 1/10 of a meter. The children eagerly estimated the length of various items in the classroom and then we compared their estimates with actual measurements.

 It was Leo's week to shine last week! We welcomed his mom and dad into our classroom to share an experiment with our class, show and talk about some adorable family photos and moments,  and listen to a cute story, If You Give a Mouse a Cupcake! 

 We are so happy to have such a bright and interesting Leo in our class this year!

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