Thursday, February 18, 2016

Celebrating the 100th Day and Valentine's Day in 2-2!

What a busy time of the year! We made sure to make time to scatter fun into our wonderful learning experiences, too!

 Natalie was our star student! We enjoyed a visit from her mom, Mrs. Schneider, who helped Natalie conduct an amazing experiment. Natalie made a balloon function as an air rocket as it zoomed across a string that she had attached to two chairs. We connected that the air pushed one way as the balloon moved the opposite direction, much like a rocket! The kids LOVED this experiment, and we were eager to try it out again in different ways- changing the direction of the balloon and the size of the balloon, too!

 Natalie did a wonderful job reading "The Giving Tree" by Shel Silverstein to her classmates. It was such a terrific story that showed ultimate examples of caring- a great choice for Valentine's Day! We are so lucky to have such a sweet, caring, hardworking, and helpful girl in our class this year! Natalie sets a wonderful example for her classmates each day and she is a kind friend to everyone. You had a great week, Natalie!

 The kids enjoyed their Valentine's Day celebration! They made beautiful envelopes to hold their valentines in, played exciting games, and snacked on some healthy and sweet treats! Thanks to Mrs. Schmidt and Mrs. Arellano for planning a fun afternoon for us!

 The kids were challenged to tear a piece of pink paper into a heart- without looking! They giggled their way through this game!

 They had a blast sharing their notes of caring and friendship with their classmates! They were so happy to distribute their valentines!

 Then we played a game where they attempted to transfer Skittles candy from a bowl to a cup using chopsticks! What a challenge! The kids became very determined to come with creative ways to get around the system...

 Mrs. Sessler came in to wish everyone a happy Valentine's Day, and to share some tips!

 Look at all of those happy faces! LOVE!

 The kids enjoyed another game- this one was "Hot Lava" using hearts. No touching the carpet!

 Mrs. Arellano shared a heartwarming story with the children that reminded us that Valentine's day is a day to show others we care!
 Another recent celebration was the 100th day of school. It's hard to believe we have already been together for 100 days, and we are now into the 2nd half of our school year! We brainstormed what we would be like at the age of 100. The kids wrote about what they will look like and things they will do for fun at this stage of the game. Their pictures were probably my favorite part!

 A writing piece you might have seen hanging in the hallway outside our door is a persuasive essay describing a place that we should visit. The children were challenged to come up with a catchy opening sentence, include many descriptive details, and end with a powerful closing sentence. The children used a rubric to help them process their work considering all of these important pieces. They did a remarkable job!

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