Friday, September 18, 2015

Another terrific week in 2-2!

The kids have been busy little bees in 2nd grade this week! Here are some points to ponder:

  • The children took their first MAP tests in Reading and Math. They worked hard and focused to do their very best on these computerized assessments.  
  • We began our Fountas & Pinnell Reading assessments this week. These are very in-depth, lengthy reading assessments that will enable me to place the children at their appropriate guided reading level. My goal is to complete these assessments next week so that our guided reading groups can begin ASAP.
  • Our reading workshop continues! We have have been enjoying whole group stories together as a class that introduce a strategy that the children go on to practice during their independent reading time. Today the children and I practiced a K-W-L chart while reading a nonfiction book about sharks. It is an important practice to think about what we already know about the topic of a book prior to reading, wonder more about the topic while reading, and then note our learning after we have finished reading. The children enjoyed going on to share a book with a buddy, following this same practice!
  • We continue to plug away at our autobiographies. The children are having fun thinking about what they were like as smaller versions of themselves as they think, draw, label, and write their ideas and memories down. 
  • During social studies, the children worked on their landform murals. We also read and learned the difference between a globe and a map.  The children started thinking about the many "homes" they live in, including their continent, country, state, and city! We will review these, along with our landforms, the 7 continents, and the 5 oceans throughout the week next week in preparation for our first social studies test on Friday!
  • Be on the lookout for our first Math Home link to come home next week!
  • We received this communication from the PTA regarding our student newsletter:               KIDZ VOICE Extra! Extra! Let's read all about what's on the minds of Second and Fourth Graders!  Kidz Voice, Dryden's student newsletter, needs you!  We are looking for article submissions. Articles can be about current events at Dryden, in Arlington Heights, the U.S. or the world. Write about sports, an interesting person, submit artwork, or compose an opinion. It's all about making your voice heard! Email articles or pictures to Teresa Geisler by September 25. A hard copy can be dropped off in the office, if preferred.

 During math, the children played "The Broken Calculator" game! They searched for different ways to total a specific number on their calculator screens, while pretending that one of the keys was broken. The children especially loved the challenge of putting together 3 numbers or more than one operation into their equations to reach that number!

 We attended a Music for Youth concert this week! The children enjoyed the performance and showed a lot of interest in possibly playing a stringed instrument themselves one day!

 Here are some photos of our class as they take the MAP test. The children worked very hard during this time! Its hard to stay focused for such a long period of time, but they did a terrific job.

 Tyler was our first star student of the school year. We were so happy to welcome Mrs. Stevenson to our class for his special day! Tyler shared a science experiment with us that showed him mixing primary colors with water and food coloring. We watched as Tyler turned blue and red into purple, and red and yellow into orange. Wow!
 Mrs. Stevenson read us a cute story about a child babysitting their grandparents, and we noticed that many of our students do some of the same things with their grandparents!
 We are so fortunate to have such a sweet, caring, and friendly boy in our class! You had a tremendous week, Tyler!

Coming up next week:
* Wednesday, September 30: Picture Day!
* Friday, October 2:  Hearing & Vision Screening

Have a wonderful weekend!

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