Sunday, December 14, 2014

A prosperous week in 2-2!

What a full week we had at school!

Our whole group story this week was called "The Alvin Ailey Kids School of Dance." The children again worked on the skill of summarizing. We pulled the most important parts sequentially out of the story to create a summary. The children worked on the irregular verb "have" during grammar. 

Our text talk story of the week was "Everybody Cooks Rice." It was a cute story about a little girl off to find her brother for dinner. She stops in at all of her neighbors' houses looking for him, sampling their dinners along the way. The little girl noted that her neighbors were from Italy, Germany, France, Barbados and more, and they all were having their own versions of rice for dinner.  The robust words we practiced this week include: community, appetizing, grumbling, diversity,  The children kept track of their usage of these new words on the white board. The winner of the week was ... diversity!                                                                                                          
Our geometry lessons continue! Using  "Magneatos" (magnetic pieces) the children worked to identify lines of symmetry in a series of shapes. They also worked with partner to create series of pyramids. The children practiced identifying the faces, bases, edges and vertices on each shape.        

The children and I began our studies of how holidays are celebrated in countries other than our own. We talked about the holidays in both Germany and Mexico. The children enjoyed constructing a tree using their traced hands as branches. They also created poinsettias to adorn our classroom based on the flower that Joel Poinsett brought to the US from Mexico! 

Ola constructs a poinsettia out of construction paper!

Our classroom is beginning to look very festive...

The children continued to flex their creative muscles after listening to the story "The Night Before Christmas." The children were challenged to describe their house the night before their favorite holiday. They wrote about this holiday of their choice and described it in detail. They went on to draw a picture of what they would be dreaming about as their favorite holiday approached. These projects turned out so cute and are hanging in the hallway outside of our classroom.

We celebrated our star student, Filip, this week at school! Filip enjoyed sharing an experiment with his classmates that got them thinking about the mixing of colors. Using a clear glass of water placed inside a clear bowl of water, Filip used food coloring to show how the colors red and yellow mix to make orange. What a cool experiment! We just love having Filip in class with us this year! He is such an honest, sincere, good hearted, and hard working student! We enjoyed spending Friday afternoon with his mother and listening to Filip read Sneezy the Snowman to the class.

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